Hello everyone . I'm going to give you very easy tips to lose weight.This is the best out of best weight losing method according to current researches. I will provide all clear information about weight losing. finally you will have a knowledge to decide which method suits you the most.

How we gain weight

When we get more amount of calories than the amount of calories we waste , then we will start to store extra calories in our body as stores. There are three weight gaining methods.
     1) Increase of muscle mass
     2) Increase of fat deposits
     3) Accumulation of excess fluid.
Accumulation of fluid is not a normal condition. this may be due renal failure, heart failure etc.

Here I am going to talk about how to reduce fat deposits without damaging to our muscle mass.

   The foods that we eat will absorb through the gut as glucose and excess glucose will store in liver , muscles and in adipose tissue as fat. we are going to lose these fat deposits in adipose tissue to lose weight.
This will protect us from numerous non communicable diseases in future( Ischemic heart diseases, High cholesterol, Hypertension, Diabetes )

Weight losing methods

* Diet plan
* Exercises
* Medications
* Surgeries

Here I am discussing about the diet plans.
There are several diet plan methods like Plant base diet , Keto diet, Intermittent fasting, Paleo diet etc.

How intermittent fasting lose weight

In here what we do is we fast for a long period of hours. Then the stored liver glycogen will be used as there is less glucose in blood , then finally the fat stored in adipose tissues will convert to energy. then we will lose extra fat deposits.

Methods of intermittent fasting


There are few methods .
1) One meal for the day
2) 5.2 methods - 2 days fasting out of the 7 days of the week.
3) Alternative method
4) Daily fasting method

According to my experience daily fasting will be more effective and easy for beginners.

we can fast for 16hrs and eat during rest 8hrs , fast for 18hrs and take foods during next 6hrs or we can fast for 20hrs and consume foods for 4hrs.
 The important thing to remember - Consume foods rich in nutrition during the eating hours. 
 Pregnant mothers, breast feeding mothers, children and anyone suffering from any disease condition don't try this method.