If you want to loose weight within a week try these amazing natural weight loosing methods. Belly fat is a common problem among all women, As we all think about our appearance as well as we are interested in our body shape these weight loosing tricks are necessary to maintain a nice body shape.

Benefits of wight loss

Loosing your excessive fat can prevent non communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension,cholesterol, peripheral vascular diseases, ischemic heart diseases etc. so it is important to loose your weight naturally.
How to loose weight naturally
                                                  Loosing your weight in a natural way is beneficial rather than going for weight loosing medications. You can maintain a active lifestyle. other than that your physical appearance affect on your personality. Building a smarter sexy figure can provide you a straight forward character in the society.

Cinnamon for weight loosing

Cinnamon is a natural remedy used in world wide to loose weight , boost fat burn and to reduce belly fat. This can help to get rid of excessive cholesterol. Cinnamon contain an active ingredient called cumin.
Cassia cinnamon contain 63 times more cumin than the Ceylon cinnamon. This can prevent narrowing of blood vessels and blot clot formation. We have to be cautious when consuming cassia cinnamon as its effect is very high.
                                                         Excessive amounts of cumin can cause make problems to liver functions, can worsen liver diseases and even can increase the bleeding tendency.
Cinnamon can lower blood glucose level. so this is a good home made remedy for diabetic patients. But when consuming cinnamon with the anti diabetic medications meet your doctor to adjust your doses and consume same amount of cinnamon each day at same time.
                                                                                                               Cinnamon can slow down the carbohydrate brake down in the intestine, therefore less amount of glucose get absorbed to the body.
This reduce the insulin secretion after meal as there is less glucose in blood. This can prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.
                             Next special thing is waist circumference.  Cinnamon is having the ability to reduce your belly fat. maintain the waist circumference less than 35 inches in female and less than 40 inches in males. Cinnamon can help you to reduce your belly fat.

Cinnamon tea for weight loss

This is a natural weight loosing method. 
What you need to do is make cinnamon in to a powder. Then add one tenth teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a cup of boiling water. You can have this drink everyday morning and you can add honey if you wish. Cinnamon and honey tea is having a good fat burning effect. Try this you can get significant weight loss results in a week.
                                                                  If you can't find cinnamon powder you can add cinnamon to boiling water. and filter it after 15min and you can have your tea.